Salem Hospital has been exceeding its capacity for more than a year, a spokesperson said.
Jul 28, 2022
Salem Health clinical nurse Heather Gatchet says calling her mom before her morning shift at Salem Health hospital is part of her regular routine. /Kristyna Wentz-Graff / OPB
The omicron variant is less severe, but Oregon’s health system is as fragile as ever.
Feb 3, 2022
Dr. Cynthia Maree, infectious disease chief at St. Charles Health System, wants to boost the vaccination rates in her hospital system -- and in the community./St. Charles Health System
A Lund Report analysis indicates that at least 85% of hospital providers are vaccinated but only about 75% of all employees have been inoculated against COVID-19.
May 24, 2021
Four Portland-area hospital system are running the Oregon Convention Center site while Salem Health is in charge of the fairgrounds in Salem.
Residents are finding it easier to drive to the Oregon State Fairgrounds and get vaccinated than to secure an appointment in Portland because of an uneven allocation of doses among counties.
Salem Health said it will try to keep its planned schedule but two sites in Portland will be canceled on Friday due to expected snow and ice.
Feb 11, 2021
Oregon Health & Science University and SEIU Local 503 held a COVID-19 vaccine clinic for home health workers at the Oregon Convention Center./Josh Andersen/OHSU
In Portland and Salem over the weekend, hospital providers held COVID-19 vaccination clinics for thousands of home health care workers and others not affilitated with hospital systems who risk becoming infected.
Jan 11, 2021
Salem Health Salem Hospital.
The request comes at a time when the state is trying to curb health care costs but Salem Health says it is trying to make up for a lag in prices in the past.