The Lund Report and Oregon Health Forum’s joint Board of Directors guides the fiduciary activities of the sister nonprofits and oversees their leadership and strategic plans. To apply for the board, click here.
Board Chair: Joanne Zuhl
Treasurer: Kat Holman Mastrangelo
Secretary: Richard Read
Sarah Stevens
Robin Lawson
Berryl Omollo
Sil Pienovi
Howard Klink
Ex-officio board member: Diane Lund-Muzikant
Our Community Advisory Board is separate from the joint board shared with the Oregon Health Forum. The board is composed of members of the joint board who are journalists, as well as a selection of members of the community to provide diverse perspectives and feedback. It meets quarterly with journalists of The Lund Report and works to ensure editorial independence and support high standards of journalism and community engagement.
Kevin Fitts
Emily Green
Andrew Mendenhall
Richard Read
Latricia Tillman
Joanne Zuhl