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CCOs Move into the Private Sector: Fact or Fallacy?

We’re teaming up with Oregon Business Magazine to look into the future of coordinated care organizations.
October 30, 2015

Oregon businesses today have to contend with enormous changes in healthcare delivery, cost control and technology. Could the coordinated care model, which is bringing integrated services to more than 1 million Oregonians be the answer?

Find out on December 3 when we hold our first breakfast forum with Oregon Business Magazine. We’ve assembled a stellar panel with Tim Nesbitt, a consultant with the Oregon Business Council and Stand for Children, as our moderator.

Our panelists include Lynne Saxton, director of the Oregon Health Authority; Dr. Craig Fausel, president and CEO of The Oregon Clinic; Janet Meyer, CEO of Health Share of Oregon; Sean Jessup, director of Medicaid programs at Moda Health and Tami Graham, director of global benefits strategy at Intel. This is an event you won’t want to miss. Sign up today – And watch for future breakfast forums in 2016.

If you're interested in sponsorship opportunities, contact our development director, Janet Grubel at [email protected] for details. 

And watch for exciting other breakfast forums in the coming year.

Just $550 Away

Only $550 separates us from reaching our $31,000 challenge grant, and you – our readers – can make it happen.

With your financial support, The Lund Report can remain the only independent voice of health policy news -- free of advertisements. And, we refuse to accept special interest money. Our bold work occasionally ruffles the feathers of potential donors after we disclose their profitability, but that doesn’t keep us from telling the truth about what’s going on behind the scenes. Now you can help us reach our challenge grant by making a tax-deductible donation so we can continue our vital work.

Not only will your contribution help us tell the real stories about what’s going on inside Oregon’s healthcare industry, but your dollars will be doubled because of this challenge grant. Your donation also qualifies as a tax deduction because The Lund Report is recognized as a nonprofit by the IRS.

And, don’t forget that you can share your story ideas – confidentially if you prefer – by sending a note to [email protected].

Thanks for believing in what we do! Together we can make a difference and help create a more accountable and transparent healthcare system.

Diane can be reached at [email protected].
