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Alternative Health in Corvallis: Six Professional Profiles

March 18, 2016

As an adolescent, visiting my primary care doctor was always a pleasure. Each time he’d walk through the door, exclaiming in a thick Brazilian accent, “My favorite patient!” During one visit, I admitted to having high anxiety, to the point where my sweat glands were working overtime in all social situations, where my stomach filled the silences in any classroom with obnoxious gurgling, and my voice took on a crying acoustic when called on to speak.

My doctor wasted no time in suggesting a list of prescriptions. I remember leaving feeling disappointed, like he had missed the point. I suppose I’d been hoping for some alternate suggestions before plunging into a bottle of pills. In some way, this visit was a catalyst to my interest in alternative health, and ultimately why I’ve sought out six professionals from a variety of local practices, explored the benefits of their services, and compared them with an average trip to the hospital or psychiatrist. Welcome to alternative health in Corvallis.

Read the full article here
