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FDA's Possible Maximum Nicotine Mandate Could Be Dangerous For Consumers

July 11, 2018
Washington, D.C. –The FDA is seeking public comment on its plan to develop a regulation that would mandate a reduction in nicotine in combustible cigarettes to a very low level. The FDA justified the move by stating that such a mandate could help current smokers quit, and prevent experimental users from becoming regular smokers.

The Consumer Choice Center's Senior Fellow Jeff Stier criticized the move in his official submission to the FDA, stating that the FDA is seeking science to back up its policy, rather than crafting policy based on science. Stier explained "It seems that FDA is pushing a policy agenda and looking for science to support it. Shouldn't it be the other way around?"

"The FDA concedes that a ban on today's cigarettes could have significant unintended consequence, leading to compensatory smoking, where smokers inhale more dangerous chemicals in an effort to get the nicotine they crave. The agency also fails to address the obvious risk that this potential change would cause an explosion in the already-significant illicit trade in cigarettes," said Stier   "Although the FDA is seeking comments on these issues, it is clear that the agency is intent on moving forward with the plan. The FDA should instead be working quickly to develop product standards and create transparent rules which would make it easier to bring lower-risk non-combustible nicotine products such as e-cigarettes and heat-not-burn tobacco to market," said Stier  

"The agency needs to do a better job making sure consumers are fully informed about the differing risks of an emerging and diverse range of lower-risk nicotine products. In order for that to happen, the FDA, the Centers for Disease Control, local governments and leading public health organizations will have to correct the widespread misperceptions they have created about lower-risk products," said Stier


Submitted by Gerry Stanewick on Wed, 07/11/2018 - 17:43 Permalink

If the FDA mandates a nicotine content at a non-addictive level how would that not be good. They have been testing low nicotine tobacco for 5 years. In 2015 the NEJM published results of an 850 person trial where 40% of the smokers quit. Do some research before you comment.
Submitted by Michael Schweigler on Thu, 07/12/2018 - 05:49 Permalink

This article stinks of Big Tobacco payroll. It took decades to fully understand the detrimental affects of combustible tobacco. Now facing a mandate that could move our society towards a smoke-free future; tobacco companies are advocating for the FDA to accelerate approval for HNB and vaping products. Doesn't that sound like a slippery repeat of history in this industry? How long before we fully understand the health impacts of these "alternative" products?