Drug prevention in Oregon classrooms
Database compiled by Emily Green & Elizabeth Yost | The Lund Report, UO Catalyst Journalism Project
January 11, 2024
This data portal was published as part of "Unsupported: Addiction prevention in Oregon classrooms", a public-service journalism collaboration. Its contents reflect what was true at its time of publication on Jan. 11, 2024.
Until now, no public analysis has looked at how substance use prevention is taught in Oregon's public schools and what districts' prevention strategies look like. Six months ago, The Lund Report launched an investigation with the University of Oregon's Catalyst Journalism Project and Oregon Public Broadcasting to find out. We asked the state's 197 public school districts what they are doing to prevent substance use among their students. In all, 119 districts representing 87% of Oregon's public school students responded to our requests for information. Their responses are accessible in the database below, along with information about substance use rates among students in their schools.
Select a district to see the info.