On Feb. 4, The Lund Report published Emily Green’s report on the surprising early results of spending under Measure 110. The 2020 voter-approved law that decriminalized low-level possession of most illicit drugs such as cocaine, methamphetamine and heroin, while diverting hundreds of millions in marijuana tax dollars to drug treatment and recovery services.
It was the first of what will be a series of articles by Green, who is an editor and reporter for The Lund Report. She is spending this year tracking implementation of Measure 110 and its impacts on the behavioral health care system in Oregon as part of a reporting fellowship sponsored by the Association of Health Care Journalists and supported by The Commonwealth Fund.
Reporters are only as good as the information they receive, and The Lund Report would appreciate your help. We’re gathering first-hand accounts related to Measure 110 and issues around substance use and treatment, whether it’s information, a story tip, or your personal experiences.
Green, who reported on topics including behavioral health and substance use disorder for seven years in her former position with Street Roots, has established a handy way for you to send her a tip confidentially. You also can contact her at [email protected].
Measure 110 And Oregon's Substance Use Issues
110 is an unmitigated…
110 is an unmitigated disaster. It has grown the addiction problem exponentially and congruently grown crime and homelessness. They have not provided any of the addiction treatment that they promised with 110 and it's been four years- four very long years-of pretending anything about this is working. With addiction comes crime, to support the addiction, and yet, there are no consequences. The woefully inadequate "ticket & call this number" was baffling in it's conception. Barely anyone called, no one paid the ticket, and if they did call, there were no services available to help them. The state is sitting on mountains of cash- from both taxpayers and emergency crises funds- and yet, they do nothing but call another meeting to call another meeting to set up another committee to arrange a survey and it goes on and on and on and the only thing accomplished is growing the bureaucracy on the taxpayers' dime. Oregon used to be a great state but it's being destroyed by ineffective, and frankly corrupt leadership (La Mota, anyone? Looking at you, Kotek). Measure 110 should have been repealed in an emergency session years ago. I for one am tired of my taxes going up (with new proposed legislation for a STATEWIDE property tax?!?) and my community dying in return. Stop making us pay for your mistakes. Dump 110 as fast as you can.