In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, Health Share of Oregon is distributing $4.6 million to support the work of local community-based organizations (CBOs). These funds will assist their responses to COVID-19 with a focus on serving communities of color, who have disproportionately been impacted by COVID-19. In total, 58 community-based organizations are receiving funds.
“COVID-19 has had a tragically unequal effect on communities of color,” said James Schroeder, CEO of Health Share of Oregon. “CBOs play a critical role in supporting the health of these communities. These funds will help them offset impacts, both in the community and to their own organizations. This is a meaningful step in addressing health equity.”
The Oregon Health Authority recently announced a change in how Medicaid funds could be distributed. For the rest of 2020, the distribution of quality withhold funds are no longer tied to quality performance. This change allows for greater flexibility for the distribution of funds. Health Share’s Board of Directors decided that 10% of these monthly withhold payments should directly address the current crisis. More specifically, they wanted these funds to support CBOs who are working with communities of color.
“Health Share and our partners trust that local CBOs know the best way to serve their communities,” said Schroeder. “We did not want to put strings or unnecessary barriers in the way of that service. It’s a critical need and time is of the essence.”
The following organizations will receive funding including:
Adelante Mujeres * African Family Holistic Health Organization * African Youth and Community Organization * Albina Head Start * Angolan Community Organization of Oregon * Ant Farm * APANO Communities United Fund * Bienstar * Black Parent Initiative * Boys & Girls Club of Portland * Bradley Angle * Brown Hope * Catholic Charities of Oregon * Center for African Immigrants and Refugees Organization * Center for Intercultural Organizing (on behalf of Unite Oregon) * Central City Concern * Chinese Friendship Assoc. of Portland * Clackamas Women's Services * Coalition of Community Health Clinics * Community Action * Community Development Corporation of Oregon * East Washington County Shelter Partnership Council (on behalf of Good Neighbor Center) * Ecumenical Ministries of Oregon * El Programa Hispano Catolico * Familias en Accion * Hacienda Community Development Corporation * Immigrant and Refugee Community Organization * Kairos PDX * Latino Network * Lutheran Community Services NW * Mercy Connections * Metropolitan Family Services * NARA * National Alliance for Filipino Concerns * Native American Youth and Family Center * Native Wellness Institute * Neighborhood Health Center * Northwest Family Services * Open School, Inc. * Oregon Chinese Coalition * Oregon Latino Health Coalition * Oregon Marshallese Community Association * Portland Opportunities Industrialization Center, Inc. and Rosemary Anderson High School * Reach Out and Read Oregon * Slavic Community Center of NW * Social Venture Partners (on behalf of Early Childhood Equity Collaborative) * Straightway Services * The Giving Tree * The Miracles Club * The Northwest Catholic Counseling Center * The Rosewood Initiative * Together We Are Greater Than * Torus * Tryon Creek Watershed Council (on behalf of HAKI Community Org) * United Way of the Columbia Willamette (on behalf of Early Learning Washington County) * UTOPIA PDX * Virginia Garcia Memorial Health Center * Young People Dreamers & Achievers