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Healthcare Reform: Two Years Later, What’s Changed?

March 22, 2012 -- The Affordable Care Act’s most controversial component – the mandate requiring everyone to have health insurance – is two years out. But two years after the law’s enactment, many Washington consumers are benefitting from less contentious reforms.
March 22, 2012

March 22, 2012 -- The Affordable Care Act’s most controversial component – the mandate requiring everyone to have health insurance – is two years out. But two years after the law’s enactment, many Washington consumers are benefitting from less contentious reforms. 

“The Affordable Care Act’s individual mandate gets most of the attention, but it shouldn’t overshadow the success stories of the early reforms,” said Insurance Commissioner Mike Kreidler. “By far the most popular benefit of health reform that we hear about is the ability for parents to keep their adult kids on their health plans – especially in today’s economy – and there are many more.”

Washington consumers benefitting from the Affordable Care Act’s early reforms include:

  • More than 2.4 million people who no longer face lifetime caps on their health benefits.
  • More than 52,000 young adults up to age 26 who have stayed on their parents’ health plans.
  • More than 1.2 million people who now have coverage for preventive care with no co-pays or deductibles.
  • More than 60,000 people in Medicare who have saved hundreds on their prescription drugs.

Other reforms in force thanks to federal funds available under the Affordable Care Act include:

“If the opponents of health reform succeed in overturning the new law, what will they say to the nearly one million people in Washington without health insurance who get up every day hoping they don’t have a medical emergency?” said Kreidler. “The Affordable Care Act is not perfect, but it moves us in the right direction and is the only meaningful health reform that’s passed in decades.”

Kreidler added that most people in our state – 85 percent – already have health insurance and won’t be impacted by the individual mandate. And of those who are uninsured, 85 percent will qualify for either Medicaid or subsidies to purchase coverage in the new health exchange.

Additional reforms taking effect later this year:

  • Beginning Aug. 1, all health plans must cover free well visits, contraceptives, and other preventive services for women.
  • After Sept. 23, all health plans must provide consumers with easy to understand description of their coverage including deductibles, co-pays, as well as costs for using in-network and out-of-network medical services.


Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Tue, 03/27/2012 - 09:21 Permalink

What hasn't changed: fixing the health care SYSTEM, not just forcing insurance copmanies to cover more people. Until the public begins to understand that health CARE is not the same as health INSURANCE, it will just continue to be a game of who pays (everyone BUT the consumer)....and the problems will continue.
Submitted by john edstrom on Tue, 03/27/2012 - 10:34 Permalink

Right. "A new market place in Washington state for health insurance" is an insurance marketing innovation and is totally orthogonal to health care. The fact that most people only have access to actual health care through cost plus a 20-30% surcharge (aka profit) totally unrelated to health care as such, is misleading and irrelevant. In another Lund Report story tody we're told that insurance premiums for health care are going up 8-14%. If the profit were eliminated by a single payer nonprofit or government agency the premiums would go down 20-30%. Another Lund Report today, about Regence BlueCross being a major political donor is just further evidence of the baleful influence the excess money available to for-profit health insurance will continue to grow and distort our government as even more public funds are directed to people and organisations with no inherent interest in human health or welfare, as long as their checks don't bounce. The Healthcare Reform[sic] Act is just another instrument to transfer massive amount of public funds to private hands for no good purpose related to the health and well being of the American people.