(Portland, OR) – At their next public meeting on Friday, May 1, Health Share of Oregon’s Community Advisory Council will hear several presentations from the Coordinated Care Organization (CCO), including on a new Medical-Legal Partnership project. The meeting, which begins at 12:30pm, will be held at Northwest Family Services, 6200 SE King Road in Portland.
Rachel Arnold, Health Share’s Contracting/Provider Relations Manager, and Laura Russell, a student at Lewis & Clark Law School, will present an overview of a pilot that will test the effectiveness of a medical-legal partnership (MLP) in improving patient health outcomes and reducing the use of health care services, with the goal of reducing the cost of care over a one-year period.
MLPs integrate legal professionals into health care settings to identify and address legal issues that negatively affect health and wellness in low-income populations. Legal professionals train the health care team to identify social and legal needs and refer patients to the legal team, who then provide appropriate legal services. The legal services provided to patients are limited to civil legal service and will not include criminal law issues or issues pertaining to medical malpractice or HIPAA violations.
In addition, Amanda Saul of Enterprise Community Partners will give a presentation on health and housing, and Health Share’s Chief Operating Officer Deborah Friedman and Director of Community Engagement Michael Anderson-Nathe will discuss the CCO’s Capacity and Access Strategy.
The meeting is open to the public and Health Share members are encouraged to attend.
Date: Friday, May 1, 2015
Time: Council Meeting: 12:30pm to 2:40pm
Public comment period: 2:40pm to 2:55pm
Location: Northwest Family Services, 6200 SE King Road, Portland, OR 97222
Agenda: Posted to the Council’s website one week prior to each meeting
Reasonable accommodations will be provided as needed for persons with disabilities. Those needing accommodations should contact Joe Enlet at [email protected] or (503) 416-4959 at least 48 hours before the meeting.
About the Community Advisory Council
Comprised of Oregon Health Plan members, leaders from community-based organizations and county agencies, the Council plays a dual role. In addition to advising Health Share’s Board of Directors on the strategic direction of the organization, the Council enables consumers to take an active role in improving their own health and that of their family and communities.
About Health Share of Oregon
Serving over 252,000 members in Clackamas, Multnomah and Washington Counties, Health Share of Oregon is a unique community-wide partnership created to ensure quality, cost-effective physical, dental and mental health care for Oregon Health Plan members. Working towards a regional system of care, Health Share provides an integrated community delivery system with the objective of achieving better care, better health and lower costs for the Medicaid population and for the region.
Health Share is a collaborative of 11 founding partners: Adventist Health, CareOregon, Central City Concern, Clackamas County, Kaiser Permanente, Legacy Health, Multnomah County, Oregon Health & Science University, Providence Health & Services, Tuality Health Alliance and Washington County.