FamilyCare has kept its board meetings private and allowed the public only to attend community advisory council meetings. While some CCOs have banked big reserves of public funds, Oregon lawmakers and others want the governing boards of Oregon’s 16 CCOs to hold open sessions in adherence of Oregon’s Open Meetings Law.
Now FamilyCare is thinking of holding its February board meeting immediately after the CAC meeting, and make both meetings open to the public, Brett Hamilton, health policy and program manager, told the council earlier this week.
Some council members raised concerns. “We need a clear understanding the board will not take over the CAC,” said Leticia Sainz, crisis system program manager for Multnomah County.
Others welcomed the idea. “I would love to feel as though we are doing something more concrete,” said Martha Spiers, crisis program manager for Clackamas County.
At its December meeting, the council raised questions about the board’s directives over the next five years.
On the directive that “FamilyCare has integral relationships with community-based organizations that positively impact the health of its members” Spiers questioned what a relationship means and whether it includes funding.
On the directive that “FamilyCare is recognized for innovative leadership in addressing at least one high-impact determinant of health” other members asked how “high-impact” determinants differ from social determinants, and the meaning of being recognized for innovative leadership.
On the directive “FamilyCare’s population health framework has improved health outcomes and the distribution of health for all its members,” members questioned if distribution speaks to equity issues.
Also, the council suggested future CAC members include youth, the homeless, formerly incarcerated people, people who are aging and are living with disabilities, transgender women, people with addictions and treatment experience, representatives from outside Multnomah County and those who are FamilyCare members.
At HealthShare of Oregon, council members have three-year terms that can be renewed. In contrast, FamilyCare is “constantly recruiting” newcomers, Hamilton said, since its members can only serve one year.
Jan can be reached at [email protected].