August 31, 2012 -- On July 1, Dr. Clyde B. Jensen joined the University of Western States as Vice-President of University Relations. “This is a transitional position,” explained University President Joe Brimhall, “in which Dr. Jensen will develop new and refine such existing University functions as fund raising, alumni and governmental affairs, community and industry relations and collaborations with higher education and health professions organizations.” Dr. Jensen, who holds a Ph.D. in pharmacology and physiology will also teach Clinical Pharmacology and assist as needed with the development of additional courses and programs.
Dr. Jensen is a veteran higher education executive who is regarded for his success in transforming health sciences institutions and fostering collaboration among conventional and complementary health care professions.
He is the only person to have served as the president of colleges of allopathic, osteopathic, naturopathic and oriental medicine. For the past eight years he has served as a public member of the Council on Chiropractic Education and currently serves as a public member of the Accreditation Council for Occupational Therapy Education.
Among his accomplishments are the merger of the Oklahoma College of Osteopathic Medicine and Surgery with Oklahoma State University, planning and fund raising that contributed to the formation of the University of Oklahoma Campus in Tulsa, Oklahoma, the relocation of the National College of Natural Medicine (NCNM) to its permanent campus and the formation of the American Association of Naturopathic Medical Colleges, and the preservation of the Sint Eustatius School of Medicine (Netherland Antilles) following the loss of student financial aid at foreign medical schools. Dr. Jensen has also served as a consultant in the natural products industry where he contributed to the organization of research, product development and university relations at Standard Process, Inc.
Dr. Jensen and his wife, Marteen, live in Happy Valley. They are the parents of three children and have eleven grandchildren.
For more information about the University of Western States, visit
August 31, 2012 -- On July 1, Dr. Clyde B. Jensen joined the University of Western States as Vice-President of University Relations. “This is a transitional position,” explained University President Joe Brimhall, “in which Dr. Jensen will develop new and refine such existing University functions as fund raising, alumni and governmental affairs, community and industry relations and collaborations with higher education and health professions organizations.” Dr. Jensen, who holds a Ph.D.
August 31, 2012