October 10, 2013 -- Dr. Martin Pall, Professor emeritus of biochemistry and basic medical sciences at Washington State University, has just published a paper in the Journal of Cellular and Molecular Medicine that has resolved a long-standing puzzle about how EMFs can influence our bodies. It shows that EMFs act by activating some channels in cells known as voltage-gated calcium channels. He will explain how activating these channels can act along a pathway that is thought to be involved in several diseases that we are all concerned about. http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/jcmm.12088/pdf
Dr. Pall is also the author of the book: Explaining 'Unexplained Illnesses': Disease Paradigm for Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Multiple Chemical Sensitivity, Fibromyalgia, Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder, and Gulf War Syndrome:http://www.allergyresearchgroup.com/Explaining-by-Martin-Pall-PhD-sp-35.html
Professor Barrie Trower has met with a wide international community of government officials, universities and medical professionals. With extensive knowledge of microwave weapons, Trower is well suited to address this issue. In Portland he will present, for the first time, his new paper that asserts the reproductive systems of girls and boys is being adversely affected by exposure to microwave radiation from laptops and wi -fi routers. http://citizensforsafetechnology.org/Humanity-at-the-Brink--Barrie-Trower,15,3333
Referring to thousands of, Soviet, British, European and U.S. Military studies, Trower makes the astonishing claim that school girls exposed to low-level microwave radiation (WiFi) are at risk of suffering stillbirth, fetal abnormalities or genetically damaged children when they give birth.
Professor Trower and Dr. Pall are among a growing community of scientists, government agencies, medical and parent advocacy groups that question the safety of our children in schools where they are exposed to 7 hours of microwave radiation from wifi routers each day. http://www.wirelesswatchblog.org/wi-fi-in-schools/
Wireless Education Action is an organization dedicated to furthering public knowledge of the biological effects of wireless technology and “non-ionizing” radiation.