May 21, 2009 -- Advantage Dental Services led by Mike Shirtcliff, DMD, its president, has filed paperwork to purchase Hayden Family Dentistry Group, which is owned by Cedric Hayden, DDS. Both plans serve Oregon Health Plan clients.
May 21, 2009
May 21, 2009 -- Advantage Dental Services led by Mike Shirtcliff, DMD, its president, has filed paperwork to purchase Hayden Family Dentistry Group, which is owned by Cedric Hayden, DDS. Both plans serve Oregon Health Plan clients.
Legal documents were submitted to state officials (Division of Medical Assistance Programs) on April 30, and the due diligence process is under way. The deal is expected to be finalized by July 1. No terms have been disclosed.
Advantage had 54,276 members as of March 15, while Hayden had slightly more, 57,714 enrollees.
Once the sale has been approved, Advantage will assume second place in the dental hierarchy, having a combined membership of 111,990. And, it will also become the only dental plan with a presence in every county. Capitol Dental is the state’s largest Oregon Health Plan, with 126,328 members, while Willamette Dental has 54,254 members, and ODS, 48,388 members. All told, 378,185 Oregon Health Plan clients participate in a dental plan. Advantage Dental was started in 1994 by a group of dentists in Roseburg. Its corporate offices are now located in Redmond. It also offers dental insurance and administrative services in Washington State, Idaho and Hawaii.